Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Tuesday was a success


Today our mission was to bring cheer and love to the parents and children of the Children's Hospital. There is housing across the street from the hospital for parents to stay who have sick children or are waiting with their children for treatment.  Many have been staying there for months, and the place is pretty dismal.  They are provided a room and one meal a day.  There are no sheets or towels, no toys, nothing to do.

We brought along our manicure supplies, facials, some toys, music and one of the girls from the Villa who is attending beauty school colored and cut hair.  Heydi also joined us again today and taught beading class.  The cooks at the Villa made a huge box of rice for lunch which we passed out with rolls and iced tea.  After lunch we passed out skirts and small toiletry bags.

I found myself thinking about when I had a sick child for years.  I can't imagine living in this atmosphere, so dismal and alone, and still having hope.  It made me think.... why me?  Why was I born into such a priviledged world where I had medical attention for my child, a support system around me, and money to pay the doctor bills.  I can't imagine not being able to get help for your sick child. Blessed to be a blessing.

We met a boy named Yader who will have a kidney transplant this coming Monday.  He has been waiting with his mother.  He has not seen his father in 5 years, but his father's kidney is a match.  We are praying his father will show up on Monday for the surgery, which is a legit concern.  As we were about to leave we learned he would not be able to have the surgery unless he came with 5 clean towels, 5 clean sets of PJ's and a few other things.  We gathered the $40 between us which should buy the supplies he needs.  Please be praying on Monday for Yader, that his dad shows up and they operation is a success.

Yader is just ONE story of many, many we heard today.  It's heartbreaking, but we were able to listen, pray, love and give hope.

Deep breath.....

Tonight we took dinner to Heydi's house where a few of us first met her a year ago this week.
The transformation in only a year is a testamony of God's amazing power!

Til tomorrow..... adios.

Toiletry gift bags

beading class

dishing up lunch

Yader, his mom and Lisa

Pearla coloring hair

Dinner at Heydi's home

Selfie of the day!

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